Chick Ciccarelli
Chick Ciccarelli is the Managing Member/CEO of MediaBuys, LLC. He is a senior-level executive with over 30 years experience in advertising.
Chick's unique marketing strategies have often redefined the standards of effectiveness in advertising. He's re-thought the selling processes of everything from motion picture distribution to media space and helped brand hundreds of products and companies. Many of his campaigns have captured number one market positions.
As President of ad agency, Chick, Inc., Chick developed Editvu (a digital video delivery system used by companies such as ABC Daytime, Castlerock Entertainment, Disney Channel, Ogilvy and Sony Pictures). In addition, he spawned the idea for MediaBuys as a way to help save money for 35 of his ad agency clients.
As Vice President of Communications at L.A. Digital, Chick's marketing campaigns helped the company into a number one market position. Later, he authored the business plan and helped coordinate the multi-million dollar sale of the company. As Vice President of Moviola, he helped the company resurrect it's 75 year old brand that had been laying dormant for 20 years.
Chick also co-founded Theafilm Distribution Network. As Executive Vice President he created and developed the highly publicized 'flat-lease' motion picture distribution process, reviewing over 200 films from HBO, Showtime, Dino Delaurentis and other well-known film producers. During his tenure, he also implemented the national theatrical trailer exhibition of "Wing Commander-IV" on 570 General Cinema screens, a first for the electronic gaming industry and paving a path for additional revenue for theatre venues.
While as a Senior Art Director at Lewis Anthony Advertising (formerly Reeds Farris & Lewis), Chick helped capture a number 1 national position for Custom Building Products and a number 1 International position for WorldPortLA (The Port of Los Angeles). As an art director he has won numerous national design awards in both print and web development and was honored by the Smithsonian Institute for his promotional contribution to the historical Voyager flight around the world. (details...)